Use of celandine for papillomas

how to use celandine for papillomas

Papilloma celandine is actively used at home to remove warts and papillomas. The main reason for the appearance of such formations is the multiplication of the human papilloma virus (HPV). May cause benign and malignant tumors of the skin, oral mucosa and genitourinary organs. Human papillomavirus infection poses a particular threat to women and men with genital warts - genital warts that look like cabbage inflorescence or cock comb.

Before removing papillomas with celandine, it is necessary to consult your doctor. The specialist will decide using possible examination methods, including PCR, HPV strains, and level of tumorigenicity. Based on this, drug therapy will be chosen. But for safety and to eliminate the risk of tissue magnetization, professionals still recommend removing neoplasms provoked by papillomavirus infection.

Advantages and disadvantages of using celandine against papillomas

The plant belongs to the poppy family. The shrub has dark green leaves and yellow flowers. Celandine bears fruit several times during the active summer period. The plant is poisonous, so it is used very carefully and only after prior consultation with the attending physician.

Chemistry of celandine

Celandine contains the following ingredients:

  • vitamin A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • saponina;
  • essential oils;
  • fitoncidet
  • ;
  • organic acids;
  • alkaloids with toxic properties.

Greater vigilance is caused by the presence of kelidonine and its derivatives in celandine. This alkaloid, when consumed in high doses, can cause seizures and paralysis. Above all kelidonine is found in the stem of the plant. In small doses, the alkaloid has an anesthetic effect.

Basic characteristics of celandine

properties of celandine in the treatment of papillomas

Topical application of celandine has a complex effect:

  • eliminates the signs of the inflammatory process;
  • reduces pain in the area of ​​papillomas and warts;
  • promotes tissue healing;
  • destroys viruses and fungi;
  • destroys benign neoplastic tissue.

Celandine is widely called a sink for its properties to remove warts and papillomas. But it is necessary to apply the plant correctly - to treat only neoplasms with it and not to touch the surrounding healthy tissues.

Important! Despite its widespread appearance, celandine for papillomas can be used only if there is no risk of malignant degeneration of neoplasms. It is possible to confirm the good quality of papillomatous results using laboratory diagnostics and virus suppression.

Celandine reviews from papillomas are varied, including negative ones. To get the expected effect, it is necessary to use the plant during the flowering period. This occurs in late spring and early summer. Pharmacy drugs for papillomas today have a low concentration. This makes it difficult to completely remove neoplasms, but prevents the risk of burns and other adverse health effects.

How can celandine be used for papillomas

For papillomatous exits, you can use ready-made preparations and plant juice. It is worth choosing the right method of treatment after prior consultation with a specialist.

Using celandine juice

Most often, for papillomas, freshly squeezed celandine juice is used, which is obtained from a flowering plant. It is necessary to cut the stem and process the neoplasms with the resulting incision. Most of the juice is in the root area.

It is recommended to treat papillomatous skin results with celandine juice 2-4 times a day. The duration of such treatment is usually not more than one month. Papillomas gradually turn black, which indicates successful destruction. Under the crust, which falls off by itself, a healthy skin is formed. For some time it will change in shade from glued fabrics.

If the fresh celandine juice seems too concentrated, it can be diluted with glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio. Such a medicine acts more gently, preventing the onset of an inflammatory reaction. A mixture of glycerin and celandine juice in consistency resembles a semi-liquid cream. Can be stored in the refrigerator and used for a long time.

You can also add alcohol or vodka to celandine juice. For 50 ml of alcohol, you should take 100 ml of plant juice. Alcohol increases the shelf life of home remedy for papillomas and has a mild drying effect on neoplasm tissues. Alcohol solutions also disinfect the skin well, preventing the addition of a secondary infection.

Important!If there are many papillomas and warts on the body, no more than 5-6 neoplasms can be treated at the same time.

A sensitivity test is recommended before using celandine for the first time. To do this, place a small amount of the product on the inner surface of the wrist and leave for 15 minutes. If, at the end of this period, signs of an allergic reaction do not appear on the skin, celandine can be used to remove papillomatous formations.

Pharmaceutical preparations for papillomas

At the pharmacy today you can buy ready-made products with celandine juice, alkalis and acids to remove papillomas at home. They help to get rid of benign neoplasms without surgery. Doctors' reviews of papilloma medications are unclear. In most cases, experts recommend not experimenting with topical medications to reduce papillomamotous growth, especially if the tumors are located on the face and open areas of the body.

A comprehensive approach to treatment

how to get rid of papillomas

Celandine-based and alkaline-based local remedies to remove warts and papillomas are recommended to be combined with antiviral therapy. Only in this case can the duration of the pardon be achieved.

Antiviral agents may not completely destroy HPV, but they prevent further multiplication of the pathogen and the appearance of new neoplasms. Medications for treating human papillomavirus infection should be chosen by the attending physician. Special agents suppress HPV multiplication and prevent recurrent course of the disease.

With a large number of papillomas, the use of topical preparations with an aggressive composition in the form of alkalis and celandine juice can be dangerous to health. The active course of human papillomavirus infection is an indication for the use of surgical treatment methods:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser coagulation;
  • removal of radio waves from papillomas;
  • surgical incision of papillomas with scalpel.

In most cases, it is possible to get rid of benign papillomas using minimally invasive treatment methods. Classical surgery is used only with a large size of neoplasms and an increased oncogenic risk.

Laser coagulation, cryodestruction and other minimally invasive techniques leave no marks on the skin and have a low risk of recurrence of HPV infection. After the operation, which is performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis, a dark crust forms on the skin, which falls off within a few weeks. During the recovery period, tissues should not be injured or exposed to excessive insolation.

To remove papillomas, two methods are often used - laser coagulation and cryodestruction. If the neoplasms are small and there is no risk of malignancy, which requires additional diagnosis of the removed tissue, minimally invasive surgeries are preferable to effectively fight papillomas and warts.

Prevention of papillomas

why papillomas are dangerous

It is recommended that you start preventing papillomas from childhood, protecting your baby's skin and mucous membranes from accidental damage and injury. Special attention is paid to educational work. Since the greatest risk is posed by anogenital warts and genital warts, it is necessary to prevent accidental intimate contact. When venereal infections appear, treatment begins immediately, because urogenital diseases significantly increase the risk of mucosal damage, reduce local immunity and create favorable conditions for the activation of the papilloma virus.

Recurrence of HPV occurs mainly in people with weakened immune systems. A decrease in the body's natural defenses is the main predisposing factor for the development of human papillomavirus infection. Strong immunity prevents HPV from actively multiplying and causing tissue hyperplasia. Ready-made immunostimulatory drugs and natural methods, including water hardening, can be used to increase the body's defenses against viruses and the action of adverse external and internal factors. A spa stay at sea has a positive effect on local immunity and the general state of the immune system. A moderate amount of ultraviolet light helps boost immunity and improve overall well-being.